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Table 1 Summary of mazes and tasks used to evaluate spatial memory in rodents. For each maze (8-Radial Arm Maze; Morris Water Maze; Radial Arm Water Maze; T/Y-Maze) the different memory tasks that can be performed and the correspondent types of memory that are being assessed, as well as the parameters that should be recorded in each case (ST = Short-term; LT = Long-term; WME = Working memory errors; RME = Reference memory errors) are presented

From: The impact of flavonoids on spatial memory in rodents: from behaviour to underlying hippocampal mechanisms



Memory assessed (short/long term)

Recorded parameters


Eight-arm radial maze

Olton Task

ST working memory

Number of re-entries in arms in the first 8 choices (WME); Total choices required to visit all 8 arms: Time taken to complete the trial


Delayed non-matching to sample

ST working memory

Entries into the rewarded arms in the sample phase and Re-entries into arms previously visited within the choice phase (WME)


Working and reference memory task

ST working memory and LT reference memory

Number of entries in arms that were never baited (RME); Number of re-entries into arms within a trial (WME)


Delayed matching to sample

ST working memory

Entries into no rewarded arms and Re-entries into arms previously visited within the choice phase (WME)


Morris water maze

Classic task


Escape Latency compared across days


Spatial probe trial

ST or LT memory

Time that the rat spent in the quadrant that previously contained the platform


Reversal learning paradigm

Learning flexibility/capacity and ST working memory

Escape latency, swim speed, distance travelled, quadrant spent time- comparison between trials in each day.


Radial arm water maze

Working and reference memory task

ST working memory and LT reference memory

Latency to find platform, Swim speed, Distance travelled, WME (re-entries within a trial) and RME (entries in arms that do not contain the platform)


Reversal learning paradigm

Learning flexibility and ST working memory

Latency to find platform, swim speed, Distance travelled, working memory errors (re-entries within a trial)—comparison between trials in each day


“Continuous paradigm”

ST working memory

Number of errors in the first 8 choices (WME), total choices required to visit all eight channels, time taken to complete the trial


T/Y- maze

Continuous alternation task

ST working memory

Failure to alternate between the two arms during a fixed period of time (WME)


Delayed non-matching to sample

ST working memory

Number of times the animal fails to alternate from sample phase to choice phase (WME)

[2, 12]

Delayed matching to sample

ST working memory

Number of times the animal fails to choose the arm that has been always rewarded (WME)

[23, 210]