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Table 4 Matrix of PNO archetypes and business model elements

From: Nutrigenomics-based personalised nutritional advice: in search of a business model?












B2B (HRM), medium/large corporations

People who want to change body weight

People who want to change body weight/improve appearance/become fitter

People who occasionally want to improve food choices for health

Health conscious people

Health conscious people, probably aware of health problem

People who want to improve food choices for health

People often diagnosed to require dietary guidance

General population in search for dietary advice


Better employee performance and loyalty

Guaranteed persistent weight loss

Individual lifestyle support for weight mgmt., appearance, fitness

Facilitate healthier food choice based on personal characteristics

Stimulate improved health condition through steering healthier food choices

Stimulate improved health condition through guiding healthier food choices

Facilitate integrated choices leading to balanced lifestyle

Facilitate personal healthy food choice

General guidance for population health


In-company sessions

Group sessions

Individual & group sessions

Internet (little follow-up options)

Internet (optional: session)



Face-to-face sessions

Internet, brochures


1-to-1 partnership with client

Dedicated personal assistance

Dedicated personal assistance

Individual online relation

Individual online relation (optional: personal with dietician)

Individual online relation (high frequency)

Individual online relation (high frequency)

Individual real-life relation

Non-individual (often online)


Single B2B contract, payment on success rate

Programme subscriptions, purchased food products

Club membership, payment per session, purchased products

Subscription to online service (optional: secondary ads)

Subscription to online service (optional: individual session)

Subscription to online service (optional: individual session)

Subscription to online service (optional: individual session), sampling and testing

Patient visits (possible also house calls)

Government budget (non-profit)


Customer relationship managers, trainers, database managers

Human (trainers), brand

Human (trainers)

Algorithm for personalised advice based on dietary intake/preferences

Phenotypic data interpretation, algorithm for advice

Phenotypic data interpretation, algorithm for advice

Phenotypic and genotypic data interpretation, algorithm for advice

Knowledge of dietary data analysis and impact of diet on health

Peer-reviewed scientific know-how


Coaching, data collection and integration

Organising social reinforcement network, organising production of food products

Operating training facilities, individual coaching, sales of products

Gathering info on dietary intake, providing advice

Gathering info on dietary intake, self-reported parameters, providing advice

Gathering info on dietary intake, self-reported parameters, organising data sampling and testing, providing advice, monitoring progress

Gathering info on dietary intake, self-reported parameters, organising physiological and genotypic data sampling and testing, providing advice, monitoring progress

Gathering info on dietary intake and lifestyle, providing advice

Issuing general recommendations on dietary intake


Diagnostic testing companies, dieticians, software companies

Food producers

Possibly dieticians

Physiological data analysis specialists, diagnostic labs

Physiological and genomic data analysis specialists, diagnostic labs


Diagnostic kits, personnel, software, marketing, sales

Facilities for group meetings, personnel, food production, marketing, sales, advertising

Facilities, fitness devices, personnel, marketing, sales

Website maintenance, personnel, marketing, sales

Website maintenance, personnel, marketing, sales

Website maintenance, data analysis, personnel, marketing, sales

Website maintenance, sampling, testing, data analysis, personnel, marketing, sales

Office and examination facilities, advertising

Website maintenance, brochure production, personnel

  1. CS customer segments, VP value propositions, CH channels, CR customer relationships, R$ revenue streams, KR key resources, KA key activities, KP key partnerships, C$ cost structure