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Table 2 Overview of studies measuring FA lipid profile by dried blood spot technique

From: Biomarkers for nutrient intake with focus on alternative sampling techniques




Marangoni (2004) [78]

100 (46M, 54F)

Founder paper establishing method

Agostoni (2005) [91]

39 (22M, 17F) + 95 controls

Study infants of smoking mothers

Agostoni (2007) [81]

191 (100M, 91F) + 21 Italian controls

Intervention Cambodian infants (12 months)

Marangoni (2007a) [83]

10 (5M, 5F)

Walnut intervention (3 weeks)

Marangoni (2007b) [86]

108 (47M, 61F) - 10 (5M, 5F)

Cross-sectional study PUFA intervention (21 days)

Agostoni (2008) [90]

106 + 53 controls

Study infants of smoking mothers (follow-up of Agostini (2005) [89])

Risé (2008) [82]

13 (13M, 0F) + 14 Italian controls

Diet and FA profile study of Tibetians

Agostoni (2011)

16 pairs

Study of whole blood FA in infant, cord and mother

Saga (2012) [80]

3476 (1463M, 2013F)

Cross-sectional study of FA profile in Scandinavian population

Risé (2013) [79]

1835 total

Cross-sectional study of PUFA


- 81 infants


- 728 children


- 434 adults


- 592 elderly


Hinriksdottir (2015) [92]

52 (19M, 33F) + 25 controls

PUFA enriched fish meal intervention