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Table 1 Principal food groups that need investigation by the BFIRev procedure

From: Guidelines for Biomarker of Food Intake Reviews (BFIRev): how to conduct an extensive literature search for biomarker of food intake discovery

Food group and related foods

Food group and related foods

Non-alcoholic beverages

Nuts and vegetable oils





 Low-calorie sweetener-containing beverages


 Sugar-sweetened beverages

  Hazel nuts

Alcoholic beverages


 Alcohol as such

  Macadamia nuts




  Brazil nuts

 Dessert wine

  Other nuts

 Red (and rose) wines


 White wine

  Olive oil

 Whisky, cognac, gin, and other distillates

  Sunflower oil

Food of animal origin

  Flaxseed oil

 Dairy products

  Rapeseed oil

  Dairy products in general


  Dairy fat/butter



 Soy and misu products

  Fermented non-solid dairy products




  Casein and whey protein



Spices and herbs

  Meat in general


  White meat


  Pink meat

 Black pepper

  Red meat


  Offal meat

 Chili pepper

  Processed meat


  Cooked and grilled meat


 Fish and other marine food


  Fatty fish


  Lean fish (from the sea or from lakes)

 Curcumin (Turmeric)

  Crustaceans and mollusks


  Fish Oil


 Eggs and processed eggs


Fruit and vegetables


 Fruit and vegetables in general


 Fruit (in a culinary sense)


  Berries (strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, blackcurrant, redcurrant,…)


  Pomes (apple, pear, quince)




  Citrus (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, pummelo, clementine,…)




  Drupes (peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, cherry)


  Other tropical fruits (pineapple, mango, papaya, kiwi,…)


  Other fruits (muskmelon, watermelon, persimmon,…)




  Cruciferous (cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts)


  Root vegetables (carrot, turnip, parsnip, celeriac, radish,…)


  Leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, endive, garden rocket)


  Fruit vegetables (eggplant, tomato, bell pepper,)


  Gourds (pumpkin, cucumber, squash, zucchini)


  Allium vegetables (onion, garlic, shallot, leek, chive, ramsons)

 Sugar-based sweets (bonbons)

  Other vegetables (asparagus, artichoke, celery stalk,…)

 Wine gums


 Other confectionary







  Sweet potato


  Jerusalem artichoke


 Cereals and wholegrain


  Oat and processed oat products


  Barley and processed barley products


  Wheat and processed wheat products


  Rye and processed rye products


  Other grains and grain products






  Mixed cereal products


  Other cereals and wholegrains

  1. *Although peanuts are botanically classified as legumes and almonds are botanically drupes, they have both been included in the nuts section due to their nutritional profile