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Table 1 Alterations of lipid profiles and atherogenic indices in plasma and liver tissues of apoE KO mice administrated with the R1 and R2 ginseng extracts

From: Preventive effects of protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol ginsenosides on liver inflammation and apoptosis in hyperlipidemic apoE KO mice




ApoE KO + R1

ApoE KO + R2


 TG (mg/dl)

223.2 ± 63.0a

1337.5 ± 249.7c

809.5 ± 43.4b

841.9 ± 65.8b

 TC (mg/dl)

76.4 ± 22.1a

380.4 ± 65.7c

279.1 ± 31.3b

364.6 ± 41.4c

 HDL (mg/dl)

33.8 ± 15.8a

77.2 ± 5.4b

109.3 ± 10.6c

106.7 ± 7.1c


6.2 ± 2.6a

16.5 ± 4.2b

6.5 ± 0.9a

6.9 ± 0.9a


7.2 ± 2.6a

17.5 ± 4.2b

7.5 ± 0.9a

7.9 ± 0.9a


 TG (/protein 1 mg)

39.9 ± 9.0b

39.5 ± 5.4b

30.5 ± 5.5a,b

27.8 ± 5.5a

 TC (/protein 1 mg)

25.6 ± 11.2

20.5 ± 2.2

18.9 ± 5.1

18.3 ± 4.1

  1. Values are means ± standard deviation of 4–8 mice per group
  2. TG triacylglyceride, TC total cholesterol, HDL high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, AI-1 atherogenic index-1, AI-2 atherogenic index-2
  3. abcMeans in the same row not sharing a common superscript are significantly different among groups at P < 0.05