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Table 1 Experiments showing influence of dietary vitamin E supplementation on α-tocopherol levels in muscle membranal fractions of livestock

From: α-Tocopherol incorporation in mitochondria and microsomes upon supranutritional vitamin E supplementation

Animal species


Subcellular fractions

Dietary treatments




Longissimus dorsi

Mitochondria, microsomes

40 and 160 mg/kg diet

2.7- and 2.6-fold increase of mitochondria and microsomes, respectively

Monahan et al. (1990b)



Mitochondria, microsomes

10, 100, 200 mg vitamin E/kg feed

Mitochondria: 8.3- and 12.0-fold increase with 100 and 200 mg/kg, respectively

Microsomes: 2.5- and 4.4-fold increase with 100 and 200 mg/kg, respectively

Asghar et al. (1991)




10 and 200 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg

6.6-fold increase

Monahan et al. (1993)


Longissimus lumborum

Mitochondria, microsomes

0 and 2,000 IU/day all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg

4.4-fold increase for mitochondria and microsomes

Arnold et al. (1993)


Leg muscle (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor and biceps femoris)

Mitochondria, microsomes

0 and 500 mg

8- and 5.1-fold increase for mitochondria and microsomes

Engeseth et al. (1993)


Breast and thigh

Mitochondria, microsomes

20 and 200 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed and either olive oil or tallow

Mitochondria: 3.2-fold increase for breast and muscle

Microsomes: 4.7- and 6-fold increase for breast and thigh, respectively (tallow), and 2.4- and 2.6–fold for breast and thigh, respectively, for olive oil

Lauridsen et al. (1997)


Gluteo biceps

Mitochondria, microsomes

30, 200, and 1,000 mg vitamin E/kg feed (duration 4 weeks)

Mitochondria: 3.6- and 6.1-fold increase with 200 and 1,000, respectively

Microsomes: 2.9- and 5.6-fold increase w 200 and 1,000 mg, respectively

Wen et al. (1997)


Longissimus dorsi (ld) and psoas major (pm)

Mitochondria, microsomes

20 and 200 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed

Mitochondria: 3.1- and 2.4-fold increase for pm and ld, respectively

Microsomes: 2.1- and 2.2-fold increase for pm and ld, respectively

Lauridsen et al. (2000)



Mitochondria, microsomes

0, 200, and 500 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed

Mitochondria: 1.8- and 2.0-fold increase with 200 and 500 mg/kg, respectively

Microsomes: 1.9- and 2.9-fold increase with 200 and 500 mg/kg, respectively

Onibi et al. (2000)


Muscle (biceps femori and/or gluteus biceps)

Mitochondria, microsomes

70, 150, and 250 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed to sows [muscles of piglets obtained at weaning (d 28 of age)]

Total α-tocopherol levels increased 1.6- and 1.8-fold increase in mitochondria and microsomes, respectively (70 vs. 250 mg/kg)

Lauridsen and Jensen (2005)