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Fig. 3 | Genes & Nutrition

Fig. 3

From: γ-Glutamyl hydrolase modulation significantly influences global and gene-specific DNA methylation and gene expression in human colon and breast cancer cells

Fig. 3

Integrated analysis of gene expression and promoter DNA methylation changes in the GGH-modulated HCT116 and MDA-MB-435 cells. In HCT116 colon cancer cells, we identified 5 (a) and 16 genes (b) for which gene expression was inversely regulated by CpG promoter DNA methylation changes in response to GGH overexpression and inhibition, respectively. In MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells, we identified 101 (c) and 47 genes (d) for which gene expression was inversely regulated by CpG promoter DNA methylation changes in response to GGH overexpression and inhibition, respectively. The β-value difference and log2-transformed gene expression value difference between Sense and Control-S and between siRNA and Control-si are plotted on x- and y-axes, respectively. Red data points highlight those genes that are hypermethylated with β-value difference >0.2 and show <−1.3 fold change in their expression levels, while blue data points indicate those genes that are hypomethylated with β-value difference <−0.2 and show >1.3 fold change in their expression levels

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