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Fig. 9 | Genes & Nutrition

Fig. 9

From: Role of muscle FOXO gene in exercise against the skeletal muscle and cardiac age-related defects and mortality caused by high-salt intake in Drosophila

Fig. 9

The relationship between HSI, exercise, and muscle FOXO gene on the skeletal muscle and heart. HSI promotes the skeletal muscle and heart aging by inhibiting muscle FOXO-related pathway activity, but FOXO-OE and E can block this physiological process. E can improve the skeletal muscle and heart aging by activating muscle FOXO-related pathway activity, but this physiological process can be blocked by FOXO-RNAi. So, the muscle FOXO gene played a vital role in E against ARD of the skeletal muscle and heart induced by HIS because it determined the activity of muscle FOXO/SOD and FOXO/PGC-1α/SDH pathways in E and HSI flies 

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